Saturday, March 5, 2016

Mia Bella Famiglia

Treasured vintage photos of my beautiful family. I am such a lover of vintage photos as it is, anything vintage and old for that matter...and so I am grateful to have these authentic old photos of my own. They are my dearest possessions. Many are framed and displayed on our buffet. I will always cherish these rare photos. My family immigrated to America from Italy at the turn of the century. So many stories given me through the decades that I cherish as well.

Raffaele & Teresina Stella and Family Tacoma 1908
(my grandma is the little one)

Clara Stella—Great Aunt "Auntie" Tacoma 1906
(she was born at midnight 1900...turn of century baby)

Antonia Helena & Anthony Stella Tacoma 1911
(my grandma and great uncle)

Raffaele & Teresina Stella and Family Tacoma 1915

Raffaele Stella 'Bootblack' Downtown Tacoma 1912

Mary Stella—Great Aunt Mary Tacoma 1916
(she died tragically from eptopic pregnancy at just 23 yrs. old)

Rinaldo D'Olivo (left) Great Uncle Italy 1914

Great Uncle Rinaldo's Photo 1914

Back Of Photo

Great Uncle Rinaldo WWI

Clara Stella "Auntie" 1918

Rinaldo & Clara D'Olivo Wedding Tacoma 1920

Clara Stella D'Olivo (bride) 1920

Antonia & Vincenzo (James) Pantley Wedding Tacoma 1923
(Grandma and Grandpa)

Antonia Stella Pantley Wedding Tacoma 1923

Original Certificate Of Marriage 
(This is very delicate and is the exact size as displayed here)

Great Auntie Clara & Uncle Carly Tacoma 1925
(uncle Carly died not long after this photo was taken)

Great Uncle Anthony & Aunt Gerry Tacoma 1927

Anthony, James, Donna & Gloria Pantley (mom) Tacoma 1930's

Great Uncle Rinaldo (left) Tacoma 1930's

Great Aunt Elsie (far left) Great Auntie Clara (front right)
Tacoma Little Theater 1930's

Raffaele StellaGreat Grandpa "Nonnutz" Puyallup 1930's

Raffaele Stella (middle), Vincenzo Pantley (right) Puyallup 1930's

Teresina Stella "Nonna" Puyallup 1930's

Raffaele Stella Puyallup 1940's

Teresina & Raffaele "Nonna—Nonnutz" Puyllaup 1946

(Four Generations) Granny (Antonia), Nonna (Teresina), 
Mom (Gloria) & Oldest Brother Larry Tacoma Easter 1949

Immigration Registration

Brother Steve, Me & "NonnutzTacoma 1966
(He was 91 years old in this photo)