Sunday, February 14, 2016

Vintage Valentines And Memories

Some of the best memories of childhood and grade school are those of the fun on Valentines Day. My mom always did special little things. All my life, every year there was something special from my dear mom on Valentines. And the hubby has always had a knack for making this day special with little surprises 

Oh the excitement of finding a new outfit laying out on my bed, a surprise from mom.  A little white mock turtle-T with red hearts and scrolls embroidered across the chest, so cute, and a new red skirt to wear on Valentine's Day.  And always a cute pink and red stuffed animal too. Special cards I still have. That night would be a favorite dinner and desert. Very treasured memories.

I loved at school making our construction paper envelopes for exchanging Valentines. Cutting out hearts of red, pink and white, pasting them on...each making our own unique designs, taping them to the edge of our desks--ready for the fun! I still have several of those cute little signed Valentines tucked away. 

How yummy the cherry chip cupcakes with pink frosting and candy hearts or a jelly bean on the top. As well as other goodies and punch while we opened our Valentines. You remember, wasn't it great? I'm grateful I grew up in this simpler time.

I still love baking valentine cupcakes & cookies...paper, painting and other fun projects. It's another time of the year where I can indulge the proverbial kid in me.

And never it seems can I resist the traditional Valentine candies. They inevitably end up in the grocery cart.  LOVE Conversation Hearts when they're really fresh and soft--yum!! And Cinnamon Hearts, Chocolate Hearts, Peanut Butter Hearts....

I continue to collect these prized cards when we can get out to our favorite antique shops this time of year (now can be found online). I prefer though the older vintage than those of my childhood...all kept in a specially made Valentine box. 

The best ones of my collection I made into a framed collage that hangs in our kitchen every February. I love it. They are now truly a thing of the past. The artistry of this era was like no other and my favorite.

I claim there ain't
Another Saint
As great as Valentine
~Ogden Nash~

Feel free to grab and share 
I have cleaned & enhanced these with paint program

 HaPpY ValenTineS DaY